Scabal Spring - Summer 2017 Suit And Fabrics Collection
The days are getting longer and there’s a little light jazz in the air…
Talk to a great jazz musician, and they’ll tell you an improvisation is about a series of individual
phrases. Talk to a great conductor, and they’ll tell you that a symphony is about a set of individual
movements. Talk to a master tailor, and they’ll tell you the same. That is, the perfect suit can only
be achieved when you have superlative materials, woven and stitched together with the eye of a
true artist. In every case, it’s about components, compositions and crescendos.
This is why we have created a line that epitomises all that we love about the art of music. At this
time of year it’s easier to hear. You see it in the sky’s reflection on a lake in a country house garden.
You smell it on the scent of a beautiful woman you pass by at a cocktail party. Most importantly for
us, you feel it covering your back as you turn to look across the room to catch her eye.
So let us hear what you have to say about Scabal’s 2017 Spring and Summer suit collection.